The Wrong Generation

Xiao La?!

It was an unthoughtful name. Was she going to name it Xiao Ha if the puppy was a husky?

She held its two front paws just like she was holding hands with it, "Hello, Xiao La. I am your sister, Shi Shi. This is…" she pointed at Liu.

"Oh, yeah. What is your full name?" she asked.

Liu Sanlang almost died!

"Liu Sanlang," he said, embarrassed.

"Oh… This is Liu Sanlang, your father. Understood?"

"Wait. That was the wrong generation!" He reminded her.

How come I became its dad and you are its sister? I don’t want a child! Liu Sanlang thought.

"Oh?" Shi Shi tilted her head, meaning that she didn’t understand, cute!

"Nothing." He forced a smile.

She started searching through her pockets, "Oh, I didn’t bring many snacks today. What should I give you?"

"I have snacks!" Liu Sanlang got some beef jerky from the pet store. He opened it and gave it to her.

Smelling the goods, Xiao La immediately climbed up on her, showing a hungry face.