WebNovelPet King10.69%

Mission Accepted

When facing a stranger, a normal person would typically be wary. However, they had a different feeling towards small animals, especially cute little kittens and puppies. People loved them, approached them and fed them – in fact, it could be dangerous because not all pets were nice. Therefore, one should pay special attention when approaching a strange cat or dog. Kids should never do that on their own.

If someone could train a cat to steal, he could also train it to conduct other crimes.

Captain Sheng said, "When the police arrived, we got the surveillance video. When everybody realized that it was the cat, it had already left through the stairs."

"So, Liu Miao had to suck up the loss?"

"That is not accurate," Captain Sheng pointed out, "We set up a file and are trying to find the suspect and his watch. That's why I am here to ask a favor from you."

Zhang Zian laughed, "Okay. My bad."