WebNovelPet King11.30%

Life in the Past

Compared to Sheng Ke, Zhang Zian still lacked social experience, so he did not expect that Sheng Ke would use handshakes to test him. He just felt that Sheng Ke's grip was a little bit too hard, but the handshake did not last long and he did not give it a second thought. Though he had just started practicing Wing Chun not long ago, both his master and himself were serious about his training, so the effect was quite good.

Sheng Ke released his hand and then looked at Fina.

Fina looked around with disdain at the dirty place, so it was not squatting on the ground as usual. It was standing casually to look at the scenery and pedestrians, mainly picking on the fashionably dressed young women.

Fina was too eye-catching. Zhang Zian had been used to its look in the shop, but here outside, its golden fur and dark gold spots were attracting the attention of pedestrians like a black hole, and many people had stopped to watch it and take pictures.