WebNovelPet King12.84%

English Idiot

It was the early morning of the next day.

These days, the sun came up later and later. Though he didn't want to leave his bed and had been struggling for a while, Zhang Zian woke up on time. He sat on the edge of his bed, yawned, and put on his clothes slowly.

In the dark bedroom, a pair of blue eyes suddenly lit up, gazing at him viciously.

What the hell! Zhang Zian was almost scared to death and nearly yelled for help. What kind of monster was that?

He looked carefully. It turned out to be Snowy Lionet, who looked fierce and tried to intimidate him. From its behavior and its look, Zhang Zian understood the message Snowy Lionet was trying to convey—"You jerk! Don't make any noise. If you disrupt My Majesty in her sleep, I will have you castrated!"

Last night, Snowy Lionet insisted on staying with Fina, even though Fina would not let it on her princess bed. Snowy Lionet ended up lying under the princess bed and kept Fina company.