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A Cry from Deep Inside the Soul

Guo Dongyue was a stranger to Little Celery, so she immediately hid behind a display showcase nearby, sizing him up secretly with her bright eyes.

It was cool in the mornings, so Guo Dongyue wore a thin, high-collared sweater, a leather jacket, and a pair of leather gloves. Zhang Zian mocked him secretly; this man dressed in even more clothes than a pupil. Since practicing Wing Chun Kung Fu with Old Time Tea, Zhang Zian’s body had become increasingly more fit. Under a weather like today, he only needed to wear a shirt or undershirt with a light jacket. Sometimes when he felt cold sitting on the couch, he would stand up and practice the Kung Fu moves taught by Old Time Tea a couple of times, and he would feel warm again.

"When did you arrive?" Zhang Zian asked bluntly.

"I’ve been here for a while." Guo Dongyue did not come in; instead, he kept standing in front of the pet shop’s door.