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In Search of True Love

It was close.

If Zhang Zian had come down just a bit later, Snowy Lionet might've been gone.

Snowy Lionet was serious about it. It left its first owner. Maybe it was time for the second one? It knew that leaving Fina was going to break its heart, but it had no choice.

Even now, her past owner's face would still come to Snowy Lionet's mind. The girl who Snowy Lionet thought shared the same interests. However, she ended up getting together with a man. Snowy Lionet thought about her, and how its heart was broken when it decided to leave her. It was still sad when it thought about how she and her man were happily together. There was no love left, only hatred.

Why did she lie to me? Why?!

Snowy Lionet wouldn't blame her if she was honest about liking a man. The pain came from being cheated and lied to.