WebNovelPet King14.66%

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Zhang Zian stared at the birdcage nervously, waiting to see how the situation was going to fare.

Richard was confronting the two red-headed lovebirds in the cage — it wasn't accurate to say they were being confronted, because Richard was just like a big devil from a comic book that was bullying both of them...

Little Purple and Yellow Pea Cake wanted to escape from Richard. They flapped their wings in the cage, trying to fly away, but Richard's huge body was blocking the cage door, and they simply had nowhere to go. During their attempt to flee, they crashed onto the cage, hit the grab bar, fell into the water basin and looked like two drowned rats. Zhang Zian was so sorry to see that at least a dozen feathers had fallen off. Failing to escape, they began to wail in more woeful and louder voices.

Every time they cried, Richard responded with an even louder "Quack" sound.

"What is happening?"