WebNovelPet King14.83%

Different Ways

Zhang Zian changed his mind from making a prank. Instead, he slightly patted on Little Celery’s shoulder.

"Good morning, Little Celery."

Even so, Little Celery was startled. She jumped a little bit and yelled. Her eyes were enlarged in fear, and she turned around and looked alertly at the person behind her. She felt relieved after recognizing it was Zhang Zian.

"Brother store manager, you scared me," she patted on her chest and said.

"Haha, you should see your face, it’s so funny. You want to try again next time?" Zhang Zian was teasing her.

"Please don't!" Little Celery thought he was serious. She waved her arms and said anxiously, "Brother store manager, you are an adult, you cannot bully children."

Zhang Zian felt superior because he was redeemed as an adult. In his pet shop, the elves usually didn’t think very highly of him. And now, someone was looking up to him, so he felt proud of himself.