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Warmth in the Old Days

Upon hearing this declaration from Richard, Zhang Zian was quite dumbfounded. He had been wondering why Richard cared so much about teaching the red-headed lovebirds to speak. It turns out that it was not just trying to help Guo Dongyue—Richard was very much concerned with the expression "repeating others’ words like a parrot", and it seemed to be taking this opportunity to prove that parrots can do more than just repeat words.

Of course, Richard could have its ambition, which was worth encouraging. The problem was — did it have enough time? It was hard to predict the rate of Guo Dongyue's mother's condition, which could quickly deteriorate at any time.

Time would wait for no man, and no bird.

Richard seemed to have seen through his suspicions, and it said with confidence, "Do you know about the relationship between language and memory?"