WebNovelPet King15.49%

Poor Little Thing


Sun Xiaomeng stretched out her hands towards Galaxy, trying to stop it.

Galaxy smiled at her naughtily and ran away jauntily. Though Galaxy was not walking very fast and she could see every step it took, Galaxy was as elusive as a thin wisp of smoke.

Sun Xiaomeng swore that Galaxy was indeed smiling at her.

Before she could stop Galaxy, it had disappeared into a bedroom on the second floor.

For some unknown reason, Sun Xiaomeng had a strange feeling —perhaps it was the intuition of a woman—that even if she went to chase after Galaxy, she probably would not find it.

Why would Galaxy show up suddenly, and why would it help her push open the kitchen door, then leave? She had not figured it out, but she knew there must be some reason behind its behavior, because Galaxy had never been so close to her.

The moment the kitchen door was pushed open, the talking sound stopped.