WebNovelPet King16.48%

Heaven is in his Favor

Tianze Pharmacy was designed to be vintage style, its wooden medicine cabinets painted dark red standing against the wall.

It was almost time to close the pharmacy for the night, and there were few customers in the store. The staff members in their old-fashioned robes finally felt relieved and showed relaxing smiles, looking at the wall clock from time to time.

Suddenly, a classy sedan that was glowing resplendently under the street lights parked in front of the pharmacy. When the car door was opened, Jin Er was the first to jump out of the car. He stretched himself and howled at the night sky, "Woooo!"

Jin Er just felt really good, for he hadn’t got the chance to race in a city for a long time. But today, he felt like he was speeding across the sky! Though lots of speeding tickets were waiting for him, he didn’t care!