WebNovelPet King17.36%

Conditions of Speaking

Because of the loud noises and dust during renovation, Zhang Zian had been telling Little Celery not to come over the past few days. Today was the first time she saw the pet shop after its upgrade, Little Celery yelled surprisingly, "Brother Store Manager, it's so beautiful!"

Zhang Zian smiled complacently, "More beautiful than before?"

"Much more beautiful than before, it's so spacious and bright!" Little Celery raised her head and looked around, "I can barely recognize it."

Zhang Zian knew that Little Celery would not tell lies or flattery. If she said it was beautiful, she really meant it.

"By the way, have uncle and auntie come home yet? They would be so happy seeing this!" she mentioned unintentionally.

Zhang Zian suddenly felt blue.