WebNovelPet King18.41%

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Ending a day’s work, Song Bai dragged his fatigued body and returned home. Strangely enough, sitting a whole day in the office was even more exhausting than wandering around on the streets at weekends. When he was about to get off duty, he also declined his colleagues’ invitations to KTV and other social gatherings. He wondered why they were still full of energy after a day’s work. At the entrance of the company, he ran into Zhao Qi, who used to be the most active participant in KTV singing, but had been rushing home to her kitten after work nowadays…of course, now he had also become a cat lover just like her.

He had never been interested in the fellowship activities among the colleagues after work. Everyone was aware of the high mobility of employees in private enterprises. Tonight, some staff members might join the KTV singing, but tomorrow morning, they might throw their resignation letters into the boss’s face…