WebNovelPet King19.57%

Old Friends

With Jane and the videographer driving to lead him, Zhang Zian felt much more relieved. Tim did not install a GPS in this minivan, perhaps because the couple had been living here long enough that no GPS was necessary.

Tim and Lauren didn’t reside in downtown Los Angeles, but in a county of a large district. The CFA Tournament this time was being held in a nearby county, about half an hour away by driving.

Along the way, Zhang Zian and Richard discussed possible conditions for the venue and negotiated countermeasures.

In another car, the videographer was very suspicious about whether Jane's approach was correct; in his opinion, this fraudulent sorcerer Mr. Zhang must have been using some type of cloaking by arranging some props on the lawn in advance. They shouldn’t be wasting time on this matter—to some extent, his guess was closer to the truth.

Jane could not be sure, but she insisted on doing this, believing it was worth a try.