WebNovelPet King19.68%

Always Waiting

Cathy did not understand what had happened when Zhang Zian was holding Wendy, but she was glad that Wendy was okay. She held it in her arms fondly and comforted it softly.

Zhang Zian went back to his seat. Just as he was trying to spot whether there were some hot girls in the venue, Fina pulled at his clothes.

"What are you doing?" he said distressingly. "This Chinese tunic suit has been worn only twice. Don’t ruin it!"

Fina sternly ordered him, "Go ask about the story of that cat. I felt a familiar odor on it."

In fact, Zhang Zian was also a little bit curious about that cat. After all, it was a breed he had never seen before, and it didn’t seem like a hybrid.

"Well, I'll go ask about it."

He covered his mouth with a fist to talk to Richard for a moment, left his seat again, and tried to be friendly with Cathy.

"Cathy, is Wendy all right?" asked Richard.

Cathy smiled, "It seemed a bit scared, but it is much better now. Thank you so much."