WebNovelPet King20.07%

Angel in this World

"Lean, help me take a picture!"

"Dad, I want to go to the bathroom!"

"Look, it's the Terminator! Schwarzenegger's Terminator!"

"Galaxy, come on!"

"Mom, mom, who is this person? She’s so pretty!"

"My dear. I’m so sorry! I should not have said that Halle Berry is more beautiful than you..."

It moved forward step by step, carefully avoiding the tourists coming and going, moving around the wax figures like a ghost.

The sounds from all directions were converging in its ears and echoing in its mind.





Halle Berry?

Who were they? Their names were alien to it.

It felt a bit of a headache. It shook its head, but the pain still vaguely existed.

Right! It suddenly remembered a more important thing, and could not help but freeze there.

Who am I?

And what is my name?