WebNovelPet King21.39%

When All is Said and Done

Richard scattered its feces, dry and wet, on each face of the profiteers that were lying on the ground!

After solving its physiology problem, it excitedly tried to fly back into Zhang Zian’s hood for warmth, but Zhang Zian threw a tissue onto its face.

"Quack! What are you doing? You want to give me a facial too?!" it whimpered with the tissue covering its face. Only Zhang Zian, who was closest to it, could hear what it said.

"Take this tissue first and rub your buttocks clean, or don’t try to fly back to my hat!" Zhang Zian scolded it.

You dirty bird! Don’t you think I know the word "facial" has subtle multiple meanings!

From then on, Richard’s white feces, along with the word "facial", became so dirty that Zhang Zian couldn’t look straight at them anymore!

Richard grabbed the tissue with its claws and landed on a nearby simple timber set. While expressing its strong dissatisfaction against Zhang Zian, it rubbed its buttocks on the tissue ...