WebNovelPet King21.66%

A Precious Legacy

Zhang Zian felt dizzy, as if the shop's lights had dimmed, and Lu Yiyun and Adams were far away from him. Everything around him was progressing in slow motion. He could see that Adams's mouth was opening and closing, he just couldn’t hear what he was saying…

It was not the first time he had received the sad news of the deaths of his relatives and friends, but he still could not accept the news calmly.

In just a few days in the United States, Zhang Zian performed martial arts, went camping in the wilderness, visited Hollywood, and captured an elfin. His life there was colorful. But the person who had left the deepest impression on him was an American lady. She called him Jeff, and told him to call her Cathy.

Cathy was an ordinary old lady, but what she did was extraordinary. For decades, she had been participating with her cats in the CFA game for house cats, just hoping that the CFA would admit chocolate-colored Abyssinian cats one day.