WebNovelPet King22.00%

Qin Jing

When visiting the dog market last time, Zhang Zian had given a lot of pet-raising knowledge to the audience, and at the end of the live broadcast, when he and Snowy were on their way back to the pet shop, he took the opportunity to promote the WeChat public account of the Amazing Fate Pet Shop, advertising that there would be regular updates in the account about the knowledge of pet purchasing and raising, and that anyone could follow the account for more information.

The effect was obvious. After the live broadcast ended, the number of followers reached over 1,000 at once, but since there was no content published on the account, the number of followers had slowly slipped to around seven or eight hundred. Some of these followers just wanted to ridicule him, while others were genuinely interested in buying pets or they had been raising pets and wanted to know more about their pets.