WebNovelPet King22.38%


Zhang Zian actually wanted to complain. How come other people received bonuses when they helped solve police cases, but all he got was a banner? What’s the use of a banner anyway?

The people waiting outside the store all booed him. "Go hang up the banner then, what are you waiting for? A police officer arranged a special trip to give it to you…"

At this time, Wang Qian ran out from the store and whispered to Zhang Zian, "The shop has been cleaned up."

Zhang Zian nodded, raising his voice tell everyone, "Well, sorry to keep you guys waiting so long, please enter the store!"

People had long been impatient, and hearing that permission had been given, they started to pour into the shop. Sheng Ke frowned, for fear of a stampede. Fortunately, Wang Qian and Li Kun stood at the entrance maintaining order, and nothing bad happened.

"Captain Sheng, let's go in too. After you."

Zhang Zian made a "please" gesture to Sheng Ke, and they both went inside.