WebNovelPet King22.99%

The Audition

Zhang Zian followed Sheng Ke into the room, and felt like he had entered a courtroom with two serious looking judges sitting in the middle, a few security guards in uniform standing on the side, and an assistant that seemed to be attending to legal matters.

The assistant glanced at his tablet and asked, "Is the candidate from the Amazing Fate Pet Shop?"

Nie Yuan recognized Sheng Ke, for he had seen him bring police dogs from the police force to the auditions several times. He smiled happily and approached Sheng Ke to greet him, "Captain Sheng, what brings you here today? And who is..."

Sheng Ke shook hands with him and introduced, "This is my friend. I’m taking him here to audition."

Zhang Zian introduced himself, "I'm Zhang Zian, and this is my dog, Famous."