WebNovelPet King23.37%

A Dangerous Scene

"Master! I heard that you are going to be in a movie?" Back to the pet shop, when Wang Qian and Li Kun heard that Zhang Zian had passed the audition and signed a performance contract with the crew, they kept asking questions curiously, even Lu Yiyun could not help but stretch her ears. Whenever there was the slightest news, Lu Yiyun would worry that Zhang Zian would close the pet shop for good.

"It’s not me, it’s Famous that’s going to be in the movie; I just provide guidance," said Zhang Zian while eating the lunch that he had bought on the way back to the pet shop. Famous was chewing the medium well steak with a glass of dry red wine.

"Providing guidance?" Li Kun was shocked, "Is that a Xian Xia film they are shooting?"