WebNovelPet King23.54%

Lie to Me

After Sheng Ke left, Zhang Zian took the portfolio downstairs, half-lying on the recliner as he read the documents in the file.

As he expected, after the heavy increase in business over the weekend, there were fewer customers these days, so he had a lot of free time. Lu Yiyun was quietly drawing in the outer area of the shop. From Zhang Zian’s position, he could clearly see that she was becoming increasingly focused on her pictures, and her head was almost touching the digital drawing board. Whenever this happened, Zhang Zian would pick up the phone and send her a message, reminding her to lift her head up.

He felt that this girl would surely become someone big in the future. Anyone who could become engrossed and committed to something would surely accomplish something in their relevant. It was only a matter of time and opportunity before this achievement occurred.