WebNovelPet King25.08%

The Tactful Snowy Lionet

After making sure that there weren't any problems with the delivery, the carrier left quickly. It was a winter weekend, and customers were arriving later than they usually did on the weekends in the fall. But as the sun gradually rose, more and more customers were getting curious to check out the stories being told about the pet shop.

Whether they were genuinely interested in buying pets or simply wanted to see dancing kittens, all of the customers were amazed at what they saw in the store. Everyone was chatting excitedly with one another saying, "Is that a cat or a tiny leopard? Mr. Store Manager, are you also smuggling in wild animals?"

"Are these two cats about to fight?"

Encouraged by the crowd of people, Luo Qingyu suddenly thought of a good idea. "Come on everyone, place your bets! Who's betting on the golden cat? Who's betting on the cat in the cage? Anyone?"

Unfortunately, no one responded to him.