WebNovelPet King25.69%

Let the Right One in

The squad and the ten retired German Shepherds got on the bus and went back to the filming location. 

After they got off, Feng Xuan and his assistant were called by the crew members. It seemed that something had happened. Old Yang yelled and instructed the crew members to take the dog cages from the vehicle.

These stainless steel cages were property of the police dog training base and they had to be returned. The crew also had gotten some average iron cages ready, and though they were not as shiny and stable as the stainless steel ones, they could still be used during the shoot.

Zhang Zian didn't have much to do, so he squatted down and watched Old Yang busily do things.

"Where's the water? I'll take anything drinkable," Old Yang asked, walking around and setting things up.

"There's a water dispenser over there." Zhang Zian pointed to it. He knew Old Yang wanted to feed the dogs so he stood up and said, "I'll go with you and we can carry a bucket of water back together."