WebNovelPet King25.96%

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The sky was dark and the street lights were lit.

Today, it was Liu's turn to pick up Zhang Zian. He was in a good mood, laughing and talking during the drive. However, he could tell that something was bothering Zhang Zian, whose expression seemed gloomy.

Liu was not sure what Zhang Zian was upset about, but he couldn't ask him bluntly, so he had think of jokes to try to ease the mood.

When the car arrived at the pet shop, Zhang Zian took off with Famous. Just when Xiao Liu was about to leave, Zhang Zian knocked on the window.

"Liu, are you busy today? I have something I want to discuss with you. If you aren't in a rush, why don't you stay for dinner?" Zhang Zian invited him.

Zhang Zian had invited him over before, but he had always declined because he didn't' want to disturb Zhang Zian. Since Zhang Zian looked very worried today, Liu hesitated for a moment and said smiling, "I'd love to accompany you, Zhang."