WebNovelPet King26.19%

One Hundred Years of Solitude

While Famous was lost in thought, it heard the rustling sound of the grass being trampled on. It looked up and found that the Dragon Li had turned around and was about to leave the mountaintop in the opposite direction. Famous jumped from the bush and said, "Old Time Tea, wait a minute! "

The Dragon Li turned back in astonishment, revealing its sharp claws instantaneously and going into a defensive stance. It asked cautiously, "I've heard many people learn to bark, but I've never heard any animal speak the language of humans. What kind of demon are you?"

"Aren't you talking like a human too? Did you know that you just cursed yourself in that sentence?" asked Famous helplessly.

"What?" It was not until this moment that the Dragon Li realized that it was speaking the language of humans. "This … why?"

"Old Time Tea, forget about the trivialities." Famous walked over. "Where are we?"

The Dragon Li still had its guard up. It asked with puzzlement, "Do you know me?"