WebNovelPet King26.63%

A Thrilling Night Deep in the Mountains

"Mom! Mom!"

A piercing cry broke the evening silence of the mountains.

A guy in his thirties, who seemed like a farmer based on his clothes, was holding a boy under the age of ten in his arms. He was running among the thorns and vines, followed by a peasant woman, who looked to be about the same age as the farmer.

As they ran away, they looked back in horror, as if something terrible was chasing them. Not far behind them, bushes were swinging violently and a pair of green eyes were vaguely visible.

"I can't run anymore…Just leave with Hu Wa."

The woman was so tired that she was out of breath, clinging to a tree and no longer able to take another step. In a blink of an eye, she was more than ten meters behind her husband.

"Keep up!"

Her husband did farm work everyday, and even though he was holding their child, his physical strength was much better than hers. He stomped anxiously, "The wolves are catching up!"