WebNovelPet King27.45%

A Homage to Youth

Xiao Yuhong's tears fell on her daughter's face. Her daughter raised her hand and tried to wipe away her mom's tears. The little girl asked in a small voice, "Mom, why are you crying?"

"No reason, baby. I'm just happy." Xiao Yuhong squatted down, picked her daughter up and said, "We're going to have a new member in our family. Aren't you happy about that?"

The little girl blinked, not understanding what her mother meant.

Xiao Yuhong waited in the yard with her daughter. She kept glancing at Famous and Zhan Tian, maybe she was afraid that they would lunge over and hurt her daughter.

Famous simply sat down to show that it wasn't hostile, while Zhan Tian hid itself underneath a car.

After seeing the dogs's gestures, Xiao Yuhong relaxed.

Fu Tao walked into the kennel, to Cage 2, and opened the cage with a key.