WebNovelPet King28.06%

A Class on Animal Raising

The evening came earlier during the winter. The sun had fallen below the horizon when Zhang Zian woke up from his nap on the recliner.

There were fewer customers during the weekdays and the pet shop was very quiet. Old Time Tea was watching TV, with the volume turned down low. Lu Yiyun was drawing in the outer area of the shop. Fina was sleeping with a twitching tail. Snowy Lionet was napping too and mumbling horrifying things in her sleep like, "castrate it and cut it into small pieces and serve it as a cold dish." Even the usually energetic Galaxy was asleep. As for Richard… Zhang Zian woke up and realized that the b*tchy bird was still hung upside down on the second floor. Famous was sound asleep next to his recliner. After all, it had been exhausted up until recently, and deserved to take a good rest.