WebNovelPet King29.05%

The Ethereal Elfin

After getting up in the morning, Zhang Zian routinely cleaned up the store. While sweeping the floor, he heard the newscaster's standard Mandarin from the TV where Old Time Tea was sitting in front of.

"Recently, after receiving a tip from an enthusiastic citizen, the Public Security Bureau of Binhai City has brought a gang of dog-trappers who were committing crimes near Dongcheng District to justice. Let's look at the detailed report brought by our journalist at the scene."

Zhang Zian carried his broomstick and stood beside Old Time Tea and watched the TV newscast with it.

On the television screen, the three dog-trapper suspects were lined up in handcuffs and squatted desperately in the corner. In the room on the floor, there were the corpses of several dead dogs, along with the tools that were used to trap dogs.

A police officer was being interviewed by the journalist and gave a briefing on the usage of these tools and the process of the criminals' dog-trapping methods.