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After returning to the store, Zhang Zian found Wang Qian and Li Kun slacking at work, and firing Kamehameha at each other with mops and brooms. He reminded them, "I'm going upstairs first. Don't forget to bring the Red Sandalwood inside." 

"Yes, Master! Gong!"  

"Damn! Master, he sneak attacks me! Gong! Gong!"  

They were fighting like two kids who would never grow up.

Speechless, Zhang Zian shook his head. He almost wanted to say that he didn't know these two guys. Despite that he just had an "adolescent delusional disorder" episode just then, he did it only once a year to celebrate his single years.  

Lu Yiyun was cleaning up near the cashier, wiping down the shelves with wet clothes and wearing rubber gloves.  

Little Celery was standing next to the display cabinet, as she whispered constantly to Lop-Eared Rabbit and the hamsters. 

Zhang Zian looked around and didn't notice anything wrong. He turned back to the bedroom on the second floor.