WebNovelPet King29.99%

Difficult Chinese

In the morning, Zhang Zian opened his eyes and glanced around the bedroom as usual. The elfins were sleeping. He turned over and had planned to get more sleep. It was early, and dark and cold outside. A strong wind was blowing.

But after lying for a while, he fully woke up. Something was wrong. After careful thinking, it seemed that Pi was missing. 

He sat up in bed, and searched carefully with the night lamp of Famous. The chair given to Pi as a temporary bed was empty. Pi was gone.

Did it go to the bathroom?  

Zhang Zian turned his head, but didn't see any light beneath the bathroom door. So it was not in the bathroom. He hit his head. Pi was an imaginative elfin, why would it need a bathroom? He must have been confused after sleeping. 

Tap, Tap, Tap!  

A slight keyboard tapping sound came from the living room. Zhang Zian put on a jacket, passed by the sleeping and kicking Famous, walked over quietly, and saw the back of Pi.