WebNovelPet King30.21%

The Limit Of Hide-and-Seek

Famous just woke up. Its head was still sleepy and could not tell imagination from reality very well. It didn't realize that Pi was so gullible to fall right into the trap and hit its head. Famous became anxious and shouted, "Hey! Stop hiding, the two of you! Pi just hit its head!"

It called out twice loudly, but nobody responded. Famous was speechless. It guessed that maybe Zhang Zian thought it was trying to trick him out.  

"Hey! I surrender, OK? Stop hiding!"  

It called again, but still no answer.  

This is forcing me to use my ultimate skill... Famous had no other choice. It sniffed hard, and inhaled the scent in the air into its nostrils. The scent flew over the 2 billion olfactory cells in the nasal mucosa, forming a scent map in the room. Scents from different sources had different colors and their paths crossed with one another. It was complicated, but not chaotic.