WebNovelPet King31.75%

The Moon and Sixpence

"Woof woof!"

Xiao La's bark could barely be heard.  

The Amazing Fate Pet Shop had considered the soundproofing issue during its past renovation. Both the walls and the doors were thick. Even if Xiao La barked its lungs out in the storage room, it wouldn't bother the other pets.  

Zhang Zian put Xie Tao's rice cake in the fridge, and wondered how he should cook it. Should he boil, fry, or stir-fry? The problem was, he could not do any of that.  

After coming out of the kitchen, he looked casually in the living room. He was expecting to see Pi typing in front of the computer, but the chair was empty.  

That was rare. Did Pi get up to stretch without being reminded to do so? 

Zhang Zian was happy that Pi finally learned to take care of its body. As he turned around to go downstairs, he suddenly heard keyboard tapping coming from the desk. 

What was going on?