WebNovelPet King34.34%

A Tricky Problem

Sun Xiaomeng had no intention of eavesdropping, but as soon as she heard "Love Lovely Pet," she started to listen carefully. It was fair to say that the Love Lovely Pet Breeding Base was the main rival of Pets' Home Breeding Base because Love Lovely Pet was much larger and didn't care about Pets' Home at all.

One of the reasons for Pets' Home's dismal business was Love Lovely Pet's low prices.

Love Lovely Pet's prices were more than 20% cheaper than Pets' Home.

She had been wondering why the animals of Love Lovely Pet were sold at such low prices. Love Lovely Pet couldn't possibly make profits like that.

Her attention was on Sheng Ke and Zhang Zian's conversation. After hesitating several times, Sun Xiaomeng spoke up.

Sheng Ke wondered why a veterinarian would be so interested in a pet breeding base, but since she was a friend of Zhang Zian, he let her enter the conversation.

"You mean, Love Lovely Pet has killed a customer's dog?" she asked, frowning.