WebNovelPet King34.45%

Name Calling

Famous shuddered and woke up.

The grass, the temple, the mountain breeze, the smoke, and the tea fragrance disappeared as if they had never existed.

Famous was in the pet shop, laying next to Zhang Zian's recliner, dozing off before breakfast. Galaxy ran past Famous, chasing the American Shorthair. Old Time Tea wasn't baking potatoes, but was watching the morning news with a cup of tea placed in front of it.

Famous stood up and stretched.

Famous looked up and saw Sun Xiaomeng frowning and pacing in the shop, as if she was thinking about something difficult.

Zhang Zian's voice was heard not far away. Famous tilted its head and saw Zhang Zian outside the pet shop, talking to Sheng Ke. A moment passed before Sheng Ke got into the police car and drove away.

Zhang Zian came back inside, and said apologetically to Sun Xiaomeng, "Thank you for lending me your car, but as of right now, I can't really think of a good idea."