WebNovelPet King36.11%

Chopstick and Bowls

Just a little more.

Zhang Zian had almost been labeled as "The Late Emperor That Passed Whilst Building His Empire" by his family descendants (if there were any), he understood that some words should never be said and some cats should never be bothered.

A supposedly peaceful day of story-telling turned out to be a day of chaos. Every five minutes, Richard and Snowy Lionet ask why they haven't yet made their appearance in the story. Fina seemed to be suffering from paranoid delusions because it got overly suspicious of every book review, believing that some unruly peasant was out to get it. Galaxy, Old Time Tea and Famous paid attention to the story, but if they didn't understand a word or term, they too would ask questions and Zhang Zian would have to stop, causing the fluid story-telling to be disrupted. It was exhausting!

As afternoon slowly approached, Ting Ting and Zhuang, who were doing volunteer work at the snack bar, entered the shop, holding a styrofoam cooler.