WebNovelPet King37.49%

Ask for Fish and You Shall Find

Snowy put the paper with the Bitcoin password to the side and logged into her Weibo account. She saw a comments on her latest post from local fans. They were all about Zhang Zian's Wechat message, wondering why Zhang Zian was asking for fresh Crucian Carp on Chinese New Year.

"Fresh Crucian Carp is used for one reason, to help a woman lactate after giving birth."

Someone disagreed immediately. "We know that. The problem is, Manager Weak Bird is a single man. Why would he have a woman who just gave birth in his house?"  

"Maybe he's asking for someone else, like the wife of a friend?" someone suggested. 

"That's possible, but whoever's friend with that cheap dude is pathetic." This comment received a lot of Likes.