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The Aquarium Zone

Reina went to comfort and encourage the mistreated employee. Zhang Zian stepped back and whispered to Reina, "Why are you making such a fuss? Did that ball python offend you?"

After the Chinese customer took the ball python away, Fina turned its eyes towards the other snakes in the shop, such as the gold python, the green tree python, and more. Its eyes were as fierce as a knife and sharp enough to slice them open.  

Fina glared at Zhang Zian and said coldly, "I hate snakes. Every one of them deserves to die!"  

Zhang Zian was astonished at Fina's words before he realized that, according to the legend, Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, died from a deadly snake bite. The movie followed the legend and ended in the same way. Could that be the reason Fina hated snakes?  

Before he could think further, Reina called him up front. "Jeff, come here. I'll show you the aquarium tanks."