WebNovelPet King40.90%

A Surprise Gift

The following day was Zhang Zian's last day staying in the small town by the sea. As usual, he drove to Karl's aquarium with Famous in the morning.

"Hi, Jeff! Good morning!"  

Paul, the expert who tested the aquarium's water quality, was analyzing something on his microscope. His eyes were close to the microscope's lens when Zhang Zian opened the door. He glanced toward Zian half-heartedly––it was a short glance, as his eyes were not even one inch away from the lens.   

He always had enough work to do. The water density and nitrate and phosphate levels were analyzed each week. Ammonia and nitrite levels were tested every two weeks. Adjustments had to be made immediately if anything unusual was detected. It was Paul's job to determine the cause of the change, as well––it either occurred in the ecosystem of the tanks or was due to equipment malfunction. If the problem was not fixed, then fish could die, which was considered a significant loss.