WebNovelPet King42.12%

Visiting the Aquarium Market

In fact, Zhang Zian didn't know much about fish. He had been cramming in the knowledge ever since he decided to open an aquarium. He had also received a lot of information from Karl and Paul. When his parents were running the pet shop, there were only a few freshwater fish merely for the sake it. They didn't have much experience with fish.

As they walked, Snowy relayed to him the questions that the aquarium fans had asked in the live broadcast. He could not handle the questions as well as he could handle the questions about cats and dogs and he often had to think twice before giving an answer. As they were walking, they had to dodge pedestrians and vehicles and Zian had to give smart answers to the mocking questions from the online fans. Neither the fans nor Snowy had realized that he was wracking his brain to answer their questions.