WebNovelPet King42.50%


Zhang Zian could have gotten rid of the shopping guide, but he was not familiar with the area, so it made no difference which shop he went to. It was more important for him to buy an oxygen pump as soon as possible for Jiang Feifei, or else the Ruby Octopus would really be gone.

The shopping guide led them to a shop that wasn't small. The counters and walls were filled with aquarium equipment; there were also open cardboard boxes piled on the ground and the space left for people to move around was very limited.

There were only two people in the shop: one boss taking on the counter duties and another, which was the shopping guide staff. Honestly speaking, the shopping guide had done a very good job in his work––he was really good at pulling business. Even if the shop were to close down, he could probably get a job at a shampoo room…

"Pretty lady, you wanted an oxygen pump?" the boss said with a smile. "How big is your fish tank? Let me give you some advice."