WebNovelPet King44.32%

Cause Unknown

Zhang Zian had been to Binhai University more than once. Every time he went, he saw many stray cats wandering around the student and staff residences. Some even had kittens.

No matter if it was in schools, residential areas, tourist attractions, or even the wilderness, feeding wild and stray animals was not a small thing to be overlooked. 

For instance, if someone was feeding monkey in a tourist attraction and made the monkeys fearless, then they might rob the tourists' bags and food, and bite or injure the tourists.

These circumstances were often reported.  

In schools and residential areas, feeding stray animals could make them a nuisance to the residents.  

Zhang Zian was a little surprised. "You mean that ever since the new semester started, there have been less stray cats on campus? Where did they go?"