WebNovelPet King45.04%

Buddhist-Style Mother


Snowy woke up from her nightmare in horror. Her sweat drenched the hair in front of her forehead and her sideburns, leaving them stuck to her skin.

She opened her eyes and pulled the curtains in the room open; it was very dim.

Instinctively, she wanted to sit up and leave the nightmare behind; however, her body felt very heavy and it was difficult to breathe. It felt like someone was sitting on her chest––she couldn't get up at all.

Could it be… the infamous sleep paralysis?

She started sweating even more at the thought.

She tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart and looked down…

"Meow." Snowball was lying on her chest and staring at her innocently.

Snowy was speechless.

"Go, go! Get down from the bed! You're about to squash me!" She waved her hands to chase Snowball off the bed, literally feeling the weight lift off of her chest.