WebNovelPet King45.87%

Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes

After getting Liu Wenying's approval, Zhang Zian put the phone in front of Sun Xiaomeng's face so that she could read the chat information.

Euthanizing a pet was serious business, and written consent was needed to avoid disputes. Sun Xiaomeng knew Zhang Zian well enough, so she nodded to Long Xian in agreement and started preparing for the euthanasia.   

The two of them worked together very well. Long Xian pressed down the Siamese cat's body, while Sun Xiaomeng injected it with anesthesia.   

Zhang Zian and Fina watched silently from a distance.  

The anesthesia took effect immediately: The Siamese cat stopped seizing, struggling, and screaming violently; its head softened and bowed down; its pupils lost focus and stared at the white walls in confusion.   

Its brief life was about to end.