WebNovelPet King46.31%

A Night Trip

It was a super busy day!

Customers were walking in and out of the aquarium and the pet shop until eight that night. Most of them came for Famous, of course, but as long as they were drawn by the pets and bought something, then it was profit.  

Zhang Zian had been running between the two shops and wished he could clone himself. Luckily, the two shops were close to each other. Otherwise, his legs would break.  

It was almost nine at night. Zhang Zian had to put up the "Closed" sign and asked the late customers to go home and come back the next day. He promised them that they could still get the discounted price the next day.

The group sat in the pet shop in all sorts of poses, eating a late dinner in small groups of two or three. Zhang Zian was in a group of three, while Jiang Feifei formed a group of two with Lu Yiyun.  

To celebrate the day, Zhang Zian had ordered extra barbecue and cold beer, offering them as much to eat and drink as they wanted.