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The Eighth

Welder Zhao was not a detail-oriented person, and he didn't provide much useful information. He complained repeatedly about how unlucky was. He was half delirious, and just repeated himself over and over. 

Zhang Zian used an excuse to end his conversation with Welder Zhao.   

To summarize the information available until now, he suspected that a certain creature in the aquarium tank had caused the massive poisoning incident. He was only 20 to 30 percent sure, however, so he didn't know if he should speak up about it. If he was wrong, he didn't mind being despised, but it would waste their precious time.   

Sheng Ke saw that he was thinking about something and asked, "Did you find anything?"  

"Xiao Zhang, if you found anything, just speak directly. We can't let go of anything suspicious at this moment," Bureau Chief Chen encouraged him.

It was a sunny spring day in March––not too cold or too hot––yet his forehead and Sheng Ke's were full of sweat.