WebNovelPet King48.73%

I Want Them All

Zhang Zian drove away from the beach and headed back to the pet shop.

As soon as he walked through the door, Wang Qian greeted him. He pointed next door and said, "Master, you should go over there for a look. Those two old men are here again."  

Zhang Zian wondered which two old men Wang Qian was referring to. He walked towards the aquarium quickly. Before he entered, he heard the loud and slightly hoarse voice of Welder Zhao.  

"Store Manager Zhang, you are back!" Electrician Wu breathed in a sigh of relief after he saw Zhang Zian walk in. "We are here to disturb you again. You were not here just now, and we were hesitating about whether or not we should head back… Please don't feel annoyed by us. It's mostly this guy—the trouble maker," he said, pointing at Welder Zhao next to him.