WebNovelPet King49.12%


Chu Manhua settled the payment and got an invoice together with a pet sales agreement. Once all of that was completed, the mini poodle that could smell signs of hypoglycemia in a diabetic patient belonged to her.

In fact, it was not uncommon for poodles to have an excellent sense of smell. It had been said that the ancestor of the modern poodle was a kind of Truffle Dog in Britain in the fifteenth century. Their mission was to help their owner smell out precious mushrooms known as truffles, and they were very sensitive to the smell of that mushroom––perhaps the mushroom also exuded a scent similar to that of a hypoglycemia reaction in a diabetic patient.

In short, she bought a lot of pet supplies. There were too many things and they were too heavy, so she asked Zhang Zian to mail them over.